Welcome to The Tenth Realm Valheim gaming site.

The purpose of this site is to help Valheim players who would
like to play on the Tenth Realm Valheim dedicated game server
by providing links to the mod files that are required to play on
the server. There are also Thunderstore mod manager profile
codes if you prefer the ease and convenience of a mod manager.

If you have not joined the Steam group and/or Discord server,
there are links at the top of the main menu to the left with more
information about the group and server and invite links to join.

In the Main Menu to the left, is a list of Mods that are required
to join the game server. Each link has a short description of the
mod and a link to download the latest version of the mod. There is
also a link to download mod packages with all of the required mods.

There is also a link to download the configs that are on the server.

If you have spent time playing and building on the server, there is a
link to download the world file and server side characters from the
world that ran previous to the one currently running on the server.